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What our customers say

Thermen & Badewelt Sinsheim
Elena Auer
Online Marketing
Thermen & Badewelt Sinsheim

By embedding the social wall on our website, we want to get in touch with our guests. Our social media channels are always also a point of contact directly with our guests. So it gives us the opportunity to present ourselves authentically and multifaceted.

SUNY’s Got Your Back
Elizabeth Brady
Founding Director
SUNY’s Got Your Back

Social media helps us raise excitement for our events and to engage students and community members in a positive way. We display our Walls.io social media wall at SUNY’s Got Your Back assembly events and conferences. Students and community members post photos and messages which are then rotated on the screens. This helps our attendees engage individually and collectively with the program in real-time.

Wissensfabrik – Unternehmen für Deutschland e.V.
Sina Abert
Social Media Manager/PR
Wissensfabrik – Unternehmen für Deutschland e.V.

Social walls are an excellent tool for non-profit organisations like ours. They’re a great way to draw attention at events and let the organisation shine. Walls.io has loads of features and covered everything we needed and more. Changes in the settings can even be made in real time, which is helpful for live events. And, of course, our members loved the social wall.

City of Wolfsburg
Edgar Diener
Managing Partner
City of Wolfsburg

Walls.io offers us many options, both regarding the technical setup as well as the design. By putting social media content from various channels on the website, we can also reach those users who don’t use any of the social media networks we’re on.

Milko Malev
Director of Communications and Media

We wanted to make the social media buzz around the DMEXCO a bit more tangible and visible to visitors. So we decided to incorporate two social walls into the digital signage screens in the middle of the DMEXCO Boulevard.

Charlotte Humane Society
Emily Cook
Marketing & Communications Manager
Charlotte Humane Society

The Walls.io social wall helps provide that feeling of togetherness, even when we’re separated during Pet Palooza. HSC is encouraging our donors to take selfies and photos while they walk and share them on their social media using #PetPaloozaRerouted. Walls.io is helping to gather all of these photos in a singular location and allow all of our participants to see their friends and family participating.

Get started with a social media wall

Create a social wall for your business in minutes.