Curated resources to deepen your insights
Explore what UGC campaigns are, why they’re essential and the strategy to implement them.
UGC Campaign Guide: Strategy and ExamplesYour brand needs social media accessibility. Learn how to achieve it on major platforms!
How to Publish Social Media Content Accessible for AllExperiential events are the future, learn all about them.
8 Epic Experiential Events Ideas Using Social WallsLearn promotion tactics and ideas to implement at your next event
10 Ins and Outs of Event PromotionTransform ordinary work events into unforgettable experiences!
10 Office Party Ideas with Social Media WallsLearn how to drive engagement with a social wall at graduations ceremonies.
10 Graduation Ceremony Ideas Using Social WallsAirmeet leveraged the integration between and Snapbar to run a selfie contest at the Events to Experiences summit. During the opening keynote, the host invited people to take selfies with a Snapbar photo booth — all selfies were displayed on a social wall. The audience voted for the best selfies using the Reactions feature. At the end of the event, 3 winners were chosen.
FIFA made an integral part of their World Cup 26 website. They have a social wall on every landing page built for each of the 16 cities where the games will occur. They’re also using a social feed to share updates from FIFA’s president.
Create a social wall for your business in minutes.