Because our target audience is highly social and likely to be on multiple social media platforms, we thought that a social wall really suited our needs. So we launched the hashtag #MaritimeWomenPhotoShare and to participate, participants could either use the hashtag on Twitter or Instagram or simply submit their photos using an email address we created for that purpose. And with the wall, it created this mosaic of working maritime women which was really empowering and inspiring, and more and more women joined.
Our goal was to increase real-time engagement with the 17,000+ people in attendance at GearFest. The social wall was a huge success. People seemed to really enjoy it and watched it frequently to see their posts being displayed. It definitely added to the excitement and made people more engaged during the day. We’re hoping that it will help spark interest for future events as well.
TEDx is all about ideas and the conversations that will spark from them. The social wall helps accelerate these conversations as they’re accompanying the talks in real-time, but it also serves as an archive for audience reactions after the event.