85.000+ brands worldwide use Walls.io to achieve their marketing goals
Running is very emotional. This is why we have been using Walls.io social walls for years. It’s easy to get runners to post their experiences from races and training sessions on social media and share these moments with others. This integration of UGC creates a closer connection between the runners, us and our race.
Not all colleagues have social media or LinkedIn, so for that internal purpose, having Walls.io helps display and share passion and dedication from colleagues. It inspires other colleagues to do the same. It’s a great solution for keeping company culture together, and we’re very happy with it.
TEDx is all about ideas and the conversations that will spark from them. The social wall helps accelerate these conversations as they’re accompanying the talks in real-time, but it also serves as an archive for audience reactions after the event.
Saalbach is using Walls.io both for special events like ski races as well as a more permanent touristic social media hub. Prominently embedded on our website, the User-Generated Content collected in our widget provides an authentic view of our region in real time.
We have used social media walls at in-person events in the past. It helped bring together attendees’ social engagement and created buzz around the event. In virtual events, it has been an integral interactive activation we have recommended to our clients. Given its digital channel, audiences across the globe can check in to express themselves, take part in a live social media contest and have some fun with their virtual photo booth selfie. (VP, Client Relations & Creative, TK Events)
The mechanics of the campaign, bringing in social media and our employee’s individual accounts, were very engaging and, judging by the #ownies posted, our people had fun taking part in the campaign. Social media stimulates creativity and is appealing due to ease of use and accessibility. We had overwhelming reactions from some employees who posted well over 100 #ownies with their accounts. We got over 3,500 #ownie posts and are quite satisfied with the results of the campaign, considering this was our first global hashtag campaign.
Create a social wall for your business in minutes.