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...and why is the no. 1 social wall tool among professionals like you. We’ll show you how you can use it to drive engagement and create unforgettable events.

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The Big Creative

We don't say we're the best, our customers do

Oklahoma City Thunder
Justin Walters
Manager, ThunderVision
Oklahoma City Thunder

The social wall allows every fan the chance to get involved and feel they are part of the show. The seamless integration of user-generated content into our events has added a personal touch, allowing fans to share their passion in real-time.

Tinkham Veale University Center at Case Western Reserve University
Jason Hawk
Director of Sales
Tinkham Veale University Center at Case Western Reserve University

Our two-story media wall, with its two social walls, keeps our campus community informed and connected. We get a lot of requests from all over campus, asking us to display specific department accounts or hashtags on the wall. The media wall is also an excellent selling point for conferences and workshops hosted at our venue. Event organizers love seeing content for their hashtags show up on the big screens.

SUNY’s Got Your Back
Elizabeth Brady
Founding Director
SUNY’s Got Your Back

Social media helps us raise excitement for our events and to engage students and community members in a positive way. We display our social media wall at SUNY’s Got Your Back assembly events and conferences. Students and community members post photos and messages which are then rotated on the screens. This helps our attendees engage individually and collectively with the program in real-time.