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...and why is the no. 1 social wall tool among professionals like you. We’ll show you how you can use it to drive engagement and create unforgettable events.

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Trusted by the world's leading brands
Creative Center of America
Production Pirates

We don't say we're the best, our customers do

Gesundheitszentrum Federsee
Stefan Schreiber
Head of Marketing
Gesundheitszentrum Federsee

We want to present our guests with a wide variety of impressions from Bad Buchau. The social wall makes this easy because it allows us to collect and use the excellent content our guests create and display it next to our posts and images.

Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
Kate Brooks
Social Media Editor
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

I think the big benefit is that when our participants see the wall projected, it encourages them to engage more on social media. So it’s a bit of a carrot to get them to jump on Twitter or Instagram and participate because they see the wall projected. Participants want to see their images and contributions projected for everybody else to see. So I think for me as a comms person, that’s the biggest benefit of it. And then there’s the practical side, where it’s just a great way to combine all of our activity around the event and have a visual representation of that.

Creative Center of America
Melanie Geiss
Director of Integrated Social Media Strategies
Creative Center of America

Creative Center of America created the social wall with the hashtags #MentalHealthKC and #MHKC19 so that hope could be amplified, and help could be more easily found by anyone struggling with the challenges of mental illness. We displayed the social wall on a 50-inch TV screen in the high-traffic, registration check-in area at the conference. Cerner also embedded our wall in the app for the event that was used by conference attendees.