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...and why is the no. 1 social wall tool among professionals like you. We’ll show you how you can use it to drive engagement and create unforgettable events.

Expert Guidance: Maximize's potential for your business with our help.
Personalized: We’ll customize the demo just for you.
Interactive: Receive comprehensive answers to all your questions.
No obligation: There’s no commitment to buy, the demo is completely free.
Trusted by the world's leading brands
Creative Center of America
Production Pirates

We don't say we're the best, our customers do

Victoria Lillestrøm
Sales & Marketing

We implemented the social wall on our website and love to see how our customers are sharing their experiences in using our Nofence grazing technology on their cattle, sheep and goats. It has made our website more aesthetic, as well as it is a great tool to show all of the cute animals our customers have. Who doesn't love a social wall filled with cute animals?

Milko Malev
Director of Communications and Media

We wanted to make the social media buzz around the DMEXCO a bit more tangible and visible to visitors. So we decided to incorporate two social walls into the digital signage screens in the middle of the DMEXCO Boulevard.

Isabella Aiello
Marketing Coordinator, MJH Life Sciences

The audience reaction was overwhelmingly positive. Attendees enjoyed seeing their posts featured on the big screen, which created a sense of inclusion and excitement. It became a talking point during the conference, with many attendees actively seeking to have their content displayed.