social media aggregator

Most Loved Social Wall

This prize, voted by the public, is awarded to the social wall that has gained the highest amount of Reactions and appreciation from its audience.

Nominate a Social Wall

If you have a special social wall, nominate it for the Social Wall Awards. Provide a description of why the social wall deserves to win, highlighting its unique features, design, and engagement strategies.

Previous winners

GaiaZOO Drives More Visitors With Authentic Content

By displaying visitor-generated content through, GaiaZOO leverages authentic experiences shared on Instagram and Facebook to entice potential visitors. This user-generated content is compelling social proof, inspiring more people to visit and engage with the zoo.

Danfoss Collected Proud Moments From Employees Worldwide

As Danfoss celebrated its 90th anniversary last year, they launched a truly unique and heartwarming campaign inviting employees to share a moment that made them proud, showcasing their passion and dedication to the company! They've created a dedicated landing page with a social wall to collect these treasured memories, posted through Direct Posts or using the #DanfossMoment hashtag across several social networks.

Social Media Strategy at Oakland Zoo

The Oakland Zoo uses social media walls to present the different happenings around the Zoo, as well as guest engagement and user-generated content.